Wednesday 7 September 2011

BzzAgent .. what is this?

I have been reading online for a long time about this company called BzzAgent. I kind of always ignored it, because I figured it was just another waste of time social marketing attempt, or some kind of "do this for points to earn some reward".

Well, I had a bit of spare time this morning, so I did some digging. It actually seems like a totally legit company, and today they are offering Kindle e-readers.

Due to me working in IT, it isn't easy for me to carry around books when I travel, since I have to carry my laptop, several cables, clothing, etc.

I bought a couple of full sized tablets, both Android based, and now an HP Touchpad. They do the job, but are rather bulky to carry with me if I already have a full sized laptop.

So, I am going to try and get in on this Kindle campaign. Of course, the final decision lies with BzzAgent. If I get it, of course it will be all over this blog, as well as on the several forums I visit, and my co-workers/friends/neighbours will all  be seeing it first hand.

Let's see what happens!